Abbas Mehrabian’s publications
These are my scientific publications; for journalistic ones, check my MuckRack profile, and for descriptions of my research projects, see my research page.
Conferences and Workshops
- 2024
- Mehrabian, Anand, Kim, Sonnerat, Balog, Comanici, Berariu, Lee, Ruoss, Bulanova, Toyama, Blackwell, Paredes, Veličković, Orseau, Lee, Naredla, Precup, Wagner, Finding increasingly large extremal graphs with AlphaZero and tabu search, IJCAI'24 and MATH-AI Workshop at NeurIPS'23
- 2021
- Esfandiari, Karbasi, Mehrabian, Mirrokni, Regret bounds for batched bandits, AAAI'21
- 2020
- Durand, Kveton, Mehrabian, Vaswani, Old dog learns new tricks: randomized UCB for bandit problems, AISTATS'20
- Boursier, Kaufmann, Mehrabian, Perchet, A practical algorithm for multiplayer bandits when arm means vary among players, AISTATS'20
- 2018
- Ashtiani, Ben-David, Harvey, Liaw, Mehrabian, Plan, Nearly tight sample complexity bounds for learning mixtures of Gaussians via sample compression schemes, winner of a best-paper award at NeurIPS'18 (full version in JACM)
- Ashtiani, Ben-David, Mehrabian, Sample-efficient learning of mixtures, AAAI'18, corrected version on arXiv
- 2017
- Angel, Mehrabian, Peres, String of diamonds is tight for rumor spreading, RANDOM'17 (full version in CPC)
- Harvey, Liaw, Mehrabian, Nearly-tight VC-dimension bounds for piecewise linear neural networks, COLT'17, (full version in JMLR)
- Berenbrink, Kling, Liaw, Mehrabian, Tight load balancing via randomized local search, IPDPS'17
- 2015
- Janssen and Mehrabian, Rumours spread slowly in a small world spatial network, WAW'15 (journal version in SiDMa)
- Acan, Collevecchio, Mehrabian, Wormald, On the push&pull protocol for rumour spreading, PODC'15 (full version in SiDMa)
- 2014
- Mehrabian and Pourmiri, Randomized rumor spreading on poorly connected small-world networks, DISC'14 (full version in RSA)
- Mehrabian and Wormald, It’s a small world for random surfers, RANDOM'14 (full version in Algorithmica)
- 2012
- Alamdari and Mehrabian, On a DAG partitioning problem, WAW'12
- 2011
- Mehrabian, A randomly embedded random graphs is not a spanner, CCCG'11 (full version in DCG)
- Ehsani, Fazli, Mehrabian, Sadeghian, Safari, Saghafian, Shokatfadaee, On a bounded budget network creation game, SPAA'11 (full version in ACM TAlg)
- 2021
- Lugosi and Mehrabian, Multiplayer bandits without observing collision information, Mathematics of Operations Research
- 2020
- Ashtiani, Ben-David, Harvey, Liaw, Mehrabian, Plan, Near-optimal sample complexity bounds for robust learning of Gaussian mixtures via compression schemes, Journal of the ACM
- Devroye, Mehrabian, Reddad, The minimax learning rate of normal and Ising undirected graphical models, Electronic Journal of Statistics
- 2019
- Bartlett, Harvey, Liaw, Mehrabian, Nearly-tight VC-dimension and pseudodimension bounds for piecewise linear neural networks, Journal of Machine Learning Research
- Angel, Mehrabian, Peres, String of diamonds is tight for rumour spreading, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
- Devroye, Dujmovic, Frieze, Mehrabian, Morin, Reed, Notes on Growing a Tree in a Graph, Random Structures and Algorithms
- 2017
- Janssen and Mehrabian, Rumours spread slowly in a small world spatial network, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
- Liaw, Mehrabian, Plan, Vershynin, A simple tool for bounding the deviation of random matrices on geometric sets, GAFA Seminar Notices
- Acan, Collevecchio, Mehrabian, Wormald, On the push&pull protocol for rumour spreading, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
- Mehrabian, Justifying the small-world phenomenon via random recursive trees, Random Structures and Algorithms
- 2016
- Collevecchio, AM, and Nick Wormald, Longest paths in random Apollonian networks and largest $r$-ary subtrees of random $d$-ary recursive trees, Journal of Applied Probability
- 2015
- Mehrabian and Pourmiri, Randomized rumor spreading on poorly connected small-world networks, Random Structures and Algorithms
- Mehrabian and Wormald, It’s a small world for random surfers, Algorithmica
- Ehsani, Fazli, Mehrabian, Sadeghian, Safari, Saghafian, Shokatfadaee, A bounded budget network creation game, ACM Transactions on Algorithms
- Alon and Mehrabian, Chasing a fast robber on planar graphs and random graphs, Journal of Graph Theory (a minor correction)
- Mehrabian, The fast robber on interval and chordal graphs, Discrete and Applied Mathematics
- Akbari, Daemi, Hatami, Javanmard, Mehrabian, Nowhere-zero unoriented flows in Hamiltonian graphs, Ars Combinatoria
- 2014
- Ebrahimzadeh, Farczadi, Gao, Mehrabian, Sato, Wormald, Zung, On longest paths and diameter in random Apollonian networks, Random Structures and Algorithms
- 2013
- Mehrabian, Mitsche, Pralat, On the maximum density of graphs with unique-path labelings, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
- Mehrabian and Wormald, On the stretch factor of randomly embedded random graphs, Discrete and Computational Geometry
- 2012
- Mehrabian, Cops and robber game with a fast robber on expander graphs and random graphs, Annals of Combinatorics
- Mehrabian, On the density of nearly regular graphs with a good edge-labeling, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
- Mehrabian, Lower bounds for the cop number when the robber is fast, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
- 2011
- 2011
- Alon and Mehrabian, On a generalization of Meyniel’s conjecture on the cops and robbers game, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
- Mehrabian, The capture time of grids, Discrete Mathematics
- 2010
- Akbari, Daemi, Hatami, Javanmard, Mehrabian, Zero-sum flows in regular graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics
- 2015
- Diameter and Rumour Spreading in Real-World Network Models, PhD thesis at University of Waterloo
- 2011
- Cops and Robber Game with a Fast Robber, Master’s thesis at University of Waterloo
- 2009 A Survey on the Cops and Robber Game [in Persian], Bachelor’s thesis at Sharif University of Technology (source files in Unicode-TeX-e-Parsi format)
Unpublished and Expository Articles
- 2018
- The total variation distance between high-dimensional Gaussians with the same mean, with Luc Devroye and Tommy Reddad, unpublished research note
- Learning mixtures of high-dimensional Gaussians, with Hassan Ashtiani, Canadian Mathematical Society Research Notes, June 2018, pages 16 and 17
- Some techniques in density estimation, with Hassan Ashtiani, unpublished tutorial
Notes in Persian
- 2016
- Book review: Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms
- Unpublished tutorial: An introduction to asymptotic calculations
- Book review: Foundations of Data Science
- Expository article: The weather forecast problem and a fruitful algorithmic idea (based on these notes on the multiplicative weight update method)
- 2015
- Expository article: Four examples of applying linear algebra in other areas (based on this beautiful book by Jiri Matousek)
- SODA 2015 conference report
- Survey article: Models for rumour spreading in social networks
- 2014
- expository article: Grover’s search algorithm
- 2013
- RSA 2013 conference report
- 2007
- A collection of algorithmic problems (based on Ghodsi’s algorithm design course)
Last update: 7 June 2024.
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